Friday, October 21, 2005
Morris and Magdalen
Chris Bertram's unearthing of a bit of William Morris' political stuff on equality reminded me of this piece, which I read a few months back, about the destruction of Magdalen Bridge in Oxford:
It may well be thought that the mere words, `the destruction of Magdalen Bridge' would go at once to the heart of any one who knows Oxford well; that any one who has lived there either as gownsman or townsman... would be eager to protest against such a strange piece of barbarism...
Amusingly, he goes on to say that the committee he's representing think that "no serious inconvenience to the public is caused by the present structure, the traffic across Magdalen Bridge being usually but small".
Anyone know whether they did knock down the old bridge? I can't find much about it online, at least not from a very brief search. What's there at the moment certainly isn't unusually attractive...
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